Though the last couple of weeks we were on a run at all times, I tried to find a place to celebrate my birthday, which was on our first day in Paris. Decided to go after Jade’s (a former Ferrandi student) recommendations and cross these with a list of restaurants which are open on August. It’s not an easy task  but I managed to reserve a place that evening at La Cagouille, sea food restaurant. We got there and were seated outside, which considered a better place but asked to move inside as the smoke of cigarettes was disturbing. We were gladly moved from the respectful table to an inferior one. There we got the menu written on a board. Looking at it, I had no clue. We could only catch few words here and there like “Salade” and “Moules”. Fortunatly a nice waiter translated the whole thing in two minutes.

Could read nothing but the prices.

We took two menus of entrée, plat, 1/2 bottle of wine, dessert and café. Each for 42 Euros. But we had to choose from the plates that are marked with a red dot.  It was easier just to choose what dish not to take out of the three. For a bottle of wine we took our waiter advice and took this bottle of white wine. I still have no understanding regarding wines but I can say it went good with our dinner and wasn’t sweet.

1/2 and 1/2 bottles makes one bottle.

The memory of waiting forever for a dish in a French restaurant (Normandy, waiting 50 min for a pizza) did not prove itself in Paris. Things come  to the table reasonably fast. First we got these clams in butter while waiting for our entrées. Together with sour bread and butter. The clams tasted excellent and fresh, we called them “sea pistachio”. The bread and butter was also good, Mom asked for a extra butter.

clams to start with

"sea pistachios"

The Entrées:

 Salmon marinated in citrus with lettuce salad. The fish was very fresh and tender and I had to take a bite together with the citrus to get the acidity because it was a very subtle dish.

raw salmon

This was described as baby sole fish fried. With the bones just the size you’re not sure if you can eat them like sardines or should carefully remove. Also was served as is without any sauce and we had to ask for lemon. A bit too straight forward.


naked baby


Grilled filet of Makarel with cream sauce. This was an amazing dish, straight on. Sauce and the fish were just right. We also got some more sauce on the side. The crispy chips were not my favorites.

Nice Makarel

After a while this plate reached to the table claiming it’s vegetables. It was home made pasta, to be eaten with the cream sauce and was excellent but very far from being vegetables.

the vegetables

 The other dish was a piece of Colin white fish, boiled and served chilled with potatoes. We had doubts about that when ordered because were not used to cold boiled fish being in the menu, but I thought we should try it and it was worth it. Everything was prepared well, the fish was  cooked exact and with the lemon it was gentle and flaky. The potatoes as well, well made. I wished it was served lukewarm and not cold in the center but this was the style.



Créme Caramel, a very large portion and filled with caramel juice at the bottom.

créme caramel

Cherry cake, with huge cherries inside.

Cherry cake


Overall it was a great dinner, we loved the main courses, the firsts were not that intriguing but fresh and well prepared.


La Cagouille

Face au 23 rue de l’Ouest 75014

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3 Responses to La Cagouille

  1. ביקורת מסעדה ראשונה מפריז

  2. Sharin says:

    It looks great!

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