Paris is funny in the way you go out the metro and find yourself in a different “country” every time. There are so many immigrants creating a very diverse neighborhoods. We love Asian food so it’s a quick lunch solution. These are pics from last week, part 2 still to come.
Indian (around 12 euro per lunch of first+main+dessert and glass of wine):
The Chinese fast food is the most common around almost everywhere. It’s around 6-9 euro for a lunch menu of first+main+side dish + dessert. There are better and worse places.
This was a classic French lunch, for a change:
The next Chinese lunch was based on soups. About 4-6 euro per soup which is a whole meal.
The day we went for a Japanese fast lunch was the hottest day here and no place is air-conditioned. Waiting to see an apartment we went to the single place that was chilled. Ate some salmon and tuna raw salad.
Another Chinese lunch. Even in these Chinese places, you have to finish the meal with a good cup of cafe.