Many people asked me about the people in my group. So here we go, introduction to Anglo A 2012 (keep in mind we look better without this hat):

What's cooking in Anglo A today?

Our group is veryย heterogeneous, 13 people, from 9 different countries, aging 18-29, with or without professionalย experience. Some fluent in French and some only basic level.

Shane, Rob (USA)

Ihsuan (Taiwan)

Olive (Belgium), Zeynel (Turkey)

Andreea (Romania), Barbara (Brazil), Daniel (Canada)

Ericka, Alissa, Claire (USA)

Shane, Rob with the hat

Pepper grinder ceremony

Serious ceremony

Adrian (USA-France), Shane


Shane working in the chef's place




Adrian, Claire and Shane

Olive, Ihsuan, Adrian



Andreea and Barbara

Adrian, Ihsuan

Ericka cleaning places we didn't even used in the kitchen!

The end of the class, Barbara, Andreea and Zeynel

Final takes before end of class

This is where we go to change, this is empty but imagine 25 girls trying to change together, without ventilation. Yak!!!

My Locker

There's also me in the group, not many pictures though

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4 Responses to Anglo A

  1. Nachman says:

    tell us more about the Pepper grinder ceremony, maybe we will do it at home ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Sharin says:

    Nice group!!
    I was wondering about the pepper grinder ceremony as well.. ๐Ÿ™‚

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