The Famous Bisque was our final lesson in the too-short-two-weeks-soup part of the course. It was awesome because we got freshly live crabs and fresh Mules (mussels) to work with. We Made the bisque from the crabs and some fish stock we did for the second time so it was easy. The other soup is a mules and cravettes (mussels and shrimps) which can not be called a bisque because mules are not crustaceans. The Dieppoise style soup is called after the port city Dieppe in Normandie, they have many Mules there! I was a partner to Zeynel in the Créme Dieppoise project.


Receiving the merchandise, small and funny crabs

Mules from the smaller kind

Shrimp, already dead and cooked

The crime scene after cleaning and cutting the fish bones for the stock

Shallots in the pan

Fish bones in. The big one almost had my finger when I tried to remove his gills

Covered with water, waiting for a boil

Demo of cutting the crabs to 4 pieces

One trying to escape

Ready to the pan

Crabs in the pan

Sweating the veg

Demo of the Flambé


Careful for your eyebrows

Then simmered with white wine

A lot of wine, then a bit of the fish stock. We want it to taste purely crab and not fish

Covered with mostly water and left to boil with the B.G.

Squish with a rolling pin, until it crackles

Mixer and strain finely. I could take this picture at last because no one rushed me to be super fast this time :)))

The good and the bad. My soup seperated

Chef's plating, with liquid cream

Beautiful as always!

Mine looks nice but was apparently too thin. Weird because what was left was pretty thick. I don't know how could that be, maybe not mixed well. It's more yellow because I put less concentrated tomatoes. It's not a tomato soup!

All the ingredients for the Dieppoise

Making Mules Mariniére first: Mules are cleaned and thrown to a hot pan with butter


White wine (glog glog)

White pepper

Cover and open after few minutes. Opened and ready! Yes, me and Zeynel eat some mules mariniére for all of you guys at that point

In the meantime, chef demonstrate how to decorate a mushroom. It looked easy but it's hard!! My mushroom was too ugly to picture. I diced it right away.

Making a roux with butter, shallots, mushrooms and flour

mushrooms go in

Sweat with the butter, adding the stock little by little, the mules cooking liquids as well. Thicken with double cream.

Strained. We broke the mixer so no mixer this time 🙁

Separating all the mules and shrimps from their shells

This is a big amount! Re-heated before plating

All of our pots together, so pretty!

Chef's plating. The mules first

The soup poured over

That's one good soup!

Zeynel and mine, with a decorative mule in a shell. Too thin, again. Boo! But at least it's not too creamy and fatty.


Goodbye soups, for now!

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10 Responses to Crab Bisque, Créme Dieppoise

  1. Ami says:

    mules = clams (English) – how did you “break” the mixer?

    • Mashav says:

      No, mules are mussles and that’s something else. The mixer was very gentle and not the industrial type so he probably couldn’t handle the crab claws and shells.

  2. Mashav, did you chop the crabs while alive?!

  3. I may have to report this…. 😉

  4. Sharin says:

    OMG – this looks like the most scary and disgusting class ever (but don’t get me wrong, the outcomes are great).
    You had to cut live crabs?? And to clean so much sea food? With your hands??
    And then to flame it and be careful for your eyebrows??
    I could never do that…
    But the result soups look so good – so I guess that for a future chef like you it’s worth it..

  5. Nachman says:


  6. […] a seafood restaurant – well made bisque. Read about the bisque we prepared in cooking school here. Rokach steak – seared veal chunks served on a hot iron pan, arugula, balsamic vinaigrette […]

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