Yesterday started a bit nervous with a French level evaluation test. I made it to the intermediate course where we will be learning the cuisine terms more carefully. The goal is to understand what a chef is yelling at you while going through an internship. Right after we started our first wine lesson, which was a little bit about the history of wine in the world then we went to more details about the classifications system of french wines and how they protect the quality of the products by a leveling system.

Then we had our first pastry lesson – Tarte Aux Pommes, which is apple tart.  Chef Antoine was teaching us and I was in a good mood. Most of the pictures I took are from when Chef demoed. Afterwards we were in a big rush and I had butter fingers. In the end you will be able to see my results and wish you were here to eat it. Enjoy, cuz I’m not sure for how long I will be able to be a pain in the ass and take pictures all the time. 🙂

Screening the flour (adding the sugar and salt afterwards)

Adding the butter

Work it in until sandy

That step takes a while

When sandy you can crumble a bit with the palm of your hands

It's yellow and ready for the next step, the liquids

Work in the water and yolk

Squish with one palm and the other should help gather with the tool

Ball it

Very important step, work with the bottom of your wrist to make sure no butter lumps and make it cohesive

Voila the ball of dough, cut to two in our class

My ingredients

This is my version of the sandy stage with the liquids in the hole

While the dough is in the fridge the apples are treated. Peeled (taking out one long skin in a circle, like you taught me dad :)) then seeded and sliced. Very thinly.

All the scraps are gathered to a pot to make the compote

This is my compote, with some water and sugar, left on a stove to tender

Back to the dough, it's flatten and shallowed to 3 mm thick

Then with a pique tool - make those picks

Placed over the tarte ring

Tucked with spare on the top

Cut the edges and rise the top with two fingers

Make the beautiful tarte finish

Separate from the ring

This is mine, the smaller ring (we made two, a bigger one and a mini one)

Fill with the chilled compote

The two, big and small

Arrange the apples and to the oven

Remove the ring after 2/3 of the time in the oven. Egg wash the edges of the dough

These are mine! Went out of the oven (with my cinnamon cookies in the back)

In the meantime, making caramelized apples. Butter and sugar in a saucesier

Add the apples when the caramel is the right color. I actually burnt mine and made it all over again because I left it over the stove while we watched another demo

This is my second trail which was fine but the amounts were a bit off

Chef made this red berry sauce for presentation

And he was just back from his home country, brought us some of the country's beautiful apples and grapes to use for presentation as well

This is the Chef's presentation

This is my finished big tart with the glaze

And the presentation of the small tart with the caramelized apple, cinnamon cookies in the shape of leaves

Cleaning after our mess. 13 people cleaning a kitchen is pretty quick so it's not that bad!

 Chef looked at my presentation and was happy with the tarte but less with the caramelized apples, it had apparently too much butter and water. The whole 5 hours in the kitchen went by so fast and I was thrilled all the way through and especially at the end of the day. Came home with so many things: cookies, tarte and a half and a box of caramelized apples.

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11 Responses to Tarte aux pommes – Step by step

  1. Nachman says:

    WOW – the tart is beautiful!

    great pics – keep it up!

  2. Tamar says:

    Yes, please don’t stop taking pictures! I love reading about your school experiences.

    The apple tart looks amazing! I also liked the cinnamon leaves.

  3. Alon says:

    WOW , great post. the tart looks amazing.

  4. Mashav says:

    Thanks guys, much more to come 😛

  5. Lili says:

    Love the step-by-step presentation… almost like being there with you 🙂

  6. dolores says:

    Oh…sweet memories! Enjoy it now that you are there, and please don’t worry and keep taking all the pictures you want. I asked chefs and as long as you don’t bother them and you get your work they don’t mind. I advice little video for their demo and pictures of your work prroduction. Trust me you will be happy to have taken them.

    Regards to the chefs!

    • Mashav says:

      Yes I’m sure you’re right and I already am happy with it. It’s just makes it a bit harder to work when I’m on a rush. Actually I’m surprised all the other members of my group don’t take pictures, or take them very seldom.
      Thanks for your comment :>

  7. Sharin says:

    This could have been my favorite class – I love pastries 🙂
    The tart looks great, and you are so lucky to take everything home with you!!

  8. Marisabel says:

    Hey! the pics are great! i love your blog, i finally visit it and i love it! xoxo

  9. […] this one. Almost no help or direction. The dough, we made two times before is the same dough of the apple tart just without all the amount of sugar. The onions we used similarly in the onions soup. So this is […]

  10. […] was a first time for me using the food processor for the dough. Until then I always made the dough by hand. It was a little messy because I tried to put the whole 1kg of flour in it and it didn’t fit, […]

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