You are probably familiar with the famous phrase attributed to Marie Antoinette  who was told that the peasants had no bread, and who responded: “Let them eat cake!”. She actually meant Brioche, bread enriched with butter, sugar and eggs.  This is what we did this Pastry-Monday. I wasn’t that enthusiastic to make bread but it turned out to be very fun and funny to make. See the video and understand why!

We got pears again but this time a bit damaged. 🙁

Brioche molds

Eggs! of course!

Make two fountains in the flour. Small and big one

Fresh yeast go to the small and salt+sugar go to the big one

Dissolved in warm water

Add 6 eggs to the big fountain, start work the eggs in the flour mixing with the yeast only last minute.

Very very sticky dough. Has to be kneaded a long time

Until it won't stick to the the marble or to the fingers.

That was the funniest part, because it kept sticking everywhere and flying around the kitchen. My fingers were covered with dough but I captured this rare video for you to see how it went:

Then when it was less sticky we added the butter. 200g of butter. Now it's sticky again.

Kneaded again.

The dough is ready. By the book it has to rise twice but we didn't have time so we barly let it rise one time.

Start using the dough to make brioche goodness

Third cut out

Cooking some sausage with pistachio

Rolling inside the dough

My dough filled with sausage, decorated

Pears are pealed and cut

Butter and sugar in a pan

Caramel forming

Throw in the pears

Lemon grass cooked in water with sugar

Lemon grass syrup added to the caramelized pears

Set aside

Forming a tart from the brioche dough

Roll a thin coil

Stick it to the base with egg wash

Pears arranged rose shape

Cutting the edges of the tart with scissors

My version

Made the spikes too small :/

Making a classic brioche

Brioche à tête - When it's in the brioche mold with a "head" over the big brioche body

I braided all the dough I had left and sprinkled with rock sugar

Let it rise for 15 min in 25-30 degrees. Should be longer but we were in a hurry

In the oven, the smell in the kitchen is intense

Almost there, flipping trays to get a balanced bake to everyone

Pear-Caramel-lemongrass tart on a brioche

Brioche filled with pistachio sausage

Brioche braided bread

Brioche à tête

Chef's creations of the day

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3 Responses to Brioche – Let Them Eat Cake!!

  1. Sharin says:

    Very cool brioche!

  2. Ema Irit says:

    וכל זה בעצם לחם!! מצא חן בעיני הסרט על הגזירה עם המספרים של השף חשבתי שזה יצא כמו שיבולת אבל גם אצל השף זה לא כלכך נראה שיבולת בסוף

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