After you already seen what was the result of our restaurant service in the previous post, this is the continuing post for advanced readers. Like I said, I was doing the Amuse Bouche dish with Rob and Barbara and the day after joined the Sole fish group so it’s mainly the process of making these two dishes and some of the other dishes I got a glance now and then.

Marchendise came on Tuesday morning. This is the sweet potato, looks totally different than what I know

Demo of how to cut slices of the salmon. This point we took a tasting break. A bit of lime juice and it's very yammy

The next day, Wednesday morning, we had a theory class about how to make and present our dishes. This was the drawing of our plating

After the salmon is placed in the bottom of a tray, a strained version of the soup with lime and agar goes on top and chilled. Then cut

After having problem with the consistency of the dough (too hot in the kitchen!) I was able to mold it into shape of something and baked to make crackers

In the middle of service, the AB waiting to be sent away to all the tables. We made about 60 dishes of these

Like a painting, It was very tasty! There's a small lime filet over the patè of salmon and the one on the left side is goat cheese roll covered with eggplant
Oh well, good for you for reaching that far in my longest post ever I think.
Real Sole is a very expensive fish. Usually what we know as “Sole” is actually Plaice fish -similar but much cheaper. Eli once had real Dover Sole in England some 6 years ago, and remembers it fondly until today! Especially the way the fish was presented to him whole & then filleted in front of him by the HEAD waiter!
All the food looks beautiful! I’m sure that it tastes great also!
We did have the real and expensive sole, I just like the sea bass kind of white fish better if you know what I mean.
Mashav, waiter? customers??
What’s the story???? Can I come and order a seat?
I’m booking a flight already!
Need details
Hi Shlomo,
Yes we are practicing a real Dinner and Lunch service once every other week starting now. Yes, you can reserve a table, I already know all the dates we will do this, but you have to tell me ASAP so it will be enough time ahead reserved.
Have you read this post:
and this post:
both talking about the subject.
Dates I will cook for the restaurant:
12/10 – Dinner
13/10 – Lunch
2/11 – Dinner
3/11 – Lunch
16/11 – Dinner
17/11 – Lunch
30/11 – Dinner (special service with guest chef)
1/12 – Lunch (special service with guest chef)
14/12 – Dinner
15/12 – Lunch
4/1 – Dinner
5/1 – Lunch
I will also post it in a post so that other people will understand
wow – how much work – i’m exhausted just reading it…
but the results look great!
מדהים תמיד כמות העבודה בכדי ליצור עבודת אומנות שכזאת. למשל העצמות אפיתם אותם ואז בישלתם כמרק ולאן הם הגיעו בסוף?
זה נכון לכל אומנות שלומדים אותה לעומק קצךת מגלים שבכדי להגיע לאיכות זה דורש המון עבודה
It’s a lot of work but think about 25 little chefs doing all this, it’s a lot of people, individually we’re not doing that much. Though still when you think about it, spending 5 hours to do a recipe at home I would spend 1 hour of work, that probably mean something 🙂
[…] service was a challenge for me and I’m glad it was. It was better experience than last time but there’s still room to make it better. I was in the third course group, fish. There […]