I had many leftovers dinner this month. Some were weird and some were really good.
Lets see if I remember what is the origin of each meal:
I had many leftovers dinner this month. Some were weird and some were really good.
Lets see if I remember what is the origin of each meal:
I didn’t know you took home so many dishes from school 馃檪 Your dinner is always assured this way.
they must really love it when you guys go into the pub and open your leftovers as snacks… or not?
讛”砖讗专讬讜转” 诪诪砖 诪讚讛讬诪讜转 讗讬讝讛 讗专讜讞讜转 砖讗转 诪讗专讙谞转 讝讛 谞专讗讛 谞讛讚专 讜讗谞讞谞讜 讻讗谉 讗讻诇谞讜 讛讬讜诐 讘注专讘 讙诐 “砖讗专讬讜转” 讗讘诇 讝讛 讛讬讛 住诇讟 砖讜专砖讬诐 砖讛讬讛 讟注讬诐 讗讘诇….. 讝讛 讛讬讛 住诇讟 砖讜专砖讬诐 … 拽专..讜讝讛讜
Send me some doggy bags to Israel please.. I’m jealous!!
OK, here’s the deal:
you prepare some doggy bags and I’ll make DDA come and pick them up to bring back here!!