Last fish day before moving on to chicken week was actually not that hard, pretty nice day. We made two recipes, one was sea bass steamed in a plastic bag, and the other was small pieces of sole deep fried with a tartare sauce. Two of them were really tasty and different but the steamed sea bass was very good, I loved it! This is what we did:

Stripes of fennel, carrots and leek were sweated in butter, water, sugar and salt

After a while. This was pretty good on it's own.

On a special plastic paper resistant up to 350 degrees, butter and the vegetables, then chervil

Then some grapefruit

A really nice filet of sea bass

Wrapped like a present

Coucou! To the steam oven for 10 minutes

Can be served like that on a plate with the wrap

Or opened on a plate

Or slide over that plate with no wrap

Could served with a sauce on the side, but it's really not necessary.

And could be served without the skin, also open in the middle to check if it's cooked right

Flaky, tender and really really great with the grapefruit and fennel.

For the other recipe we used sole. Small ones this time. Ugly this side

And even uglier on the other side

Skinned, filetted and sliced to small pieces. Then breaded and deep fried.

Pickles and capers are cut for the tartare sauce. (Also onion and herbs)

The mayonnaise which is already very easily done

The presentation of the dish

French fish and chips I guess 馃檪

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3 Responses to Last Fish Day

  1. Ema Irit says:

    讛讚讙 讛诪讟讜讙谉 谞专讗讛 诪驻转讛 讗讘诇 讘讟讞 讛诪讗讜讚 讟注讬诐 讬讜转专

  2. Nachman says:

    “this is my fish – and I love it!” – famous Chinese proverb

  3. Sharin says:

    Wow, the steamed fish looks amazing and so special!

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