Keeping the best for last, it’s meat time. Starting with white meats we made three recipes of veal and pork last week.

1. Blanquette de veau à l’ancienne (veal shoulder in a veloté with pearl onions and mushrooms)

After the veal was cooking for about an hour and a half, we use the cooking liquid for the veloté (white roux with stock and some cream)

Straining the sauce over the meat and vegetables

We also cooked rice pilaf which is great because I love rice. It was baked in the oven. Surprisingly the meat was still pretty tender and nice pink inside. For the sauce I used tons of pepper so it was kind of pepper and cream sauce.

2. Carré de Porc Rôti, Pommes boulangière (Roast rack of pork with the baker’s potatoes)

The racks

Nice example

For the potatoes

Separate the bones from the ribs

"French" the tip of the chops

Color the outside of the rack before roasting in the oven

Sits on vegetables and constantly based

My rack when it came out of the oven

After all the potatoes were cut to nice even circles, they are first colored in a non-stick pan. With.. butter.

Arranged nicely on top of onions cooked with stock for about 30 minutes

This is going to the oven

The roast with the juice of its own roasting

The whole thing together

The potatoes were pretty good, the name of the baker is given to the dish because it used to be the baker making this Gratin in order to use the heat of the bread baking oven after finished baking bread until it cools down.

3. Cotes de Porc Charcutière, pomme purée (Pork chops, mashed potatoes)

This time I got the edge of the rack where it's more red meat then white. Was harder to bone because of it (?) they were falling apart and so delicate.

Using the cool machine for the puree which was the star of the day

When still hot, melt chunks of butter inside. Then add boiled half and half (cream and milk).

The chops were just satéed on a pan and based.

Plating the chops over the mashed potatoes.


The sauce was interesting, it was mustard and cornichones (pickles). Of course mine was too mustardy but I liked it.

Cut through the miracle of the part I got was discovered: It was half white and half pink, very moist and succulent

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3 Responses to First Week Of Meat

  1. Nachman says:

    I tasted the veal and pork chops (2 ways) and the potatoes (2 ways) – it was all sooo good. well worth the stopover in Paris 😉 not to mention seeing Mashav!

  2. Ema Irit says:

    ואנחנו לא טעמנו בכלל….

  3. […] That other day, dad came to visit me, he had 6 hours in Paris but only three after getting stuck on the way from the airport. I showed him how kind is my fridge. He had two kinds of pork, blanquette de veau, and a huge macaron. So he had all three of the dishes in this post. […]

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