Sadly the first day back at school was also the last pastry class. Having no idea what’s it gonna be this time we’ve received the recipe for Galette des Rois. I had no idea what it is but a quick look at the recipe made me realize we’re about to make puff pastry again. Turns out this cake is another traditional dessert for the holiday and can be found in the bakeries only on the month of January. You can read all about it here but in short, a puff pastry filled with frangipane: almond cream, in other words: deliciousness. Somewhere in the cake a ceramic figure is hidden, so that when the cake is divided by the number of diners, the finder of the figure is the “king” and gets a paper crown (included). The king (hopefully not choking on the figure) is now responsible for the next cake to come and so the cycle continues. Eat with caution!

The puff pastry part you have already seen here and here. This time was no different except it was easier. The more interesting part was the filling. Really easy and a lot better then what happen when I tried Aharoni’s recipe on the diner party at Tel Aviv.


Start with creamy butter, adding the sugar and mixing together

Adding almond flour

Two eggs

A pinch of cream. Then flavors: almond extract, rum, vanilla extract

Shifted flour. That's it.

Pipe it on the puff pastry and add the ceramic figure

Cover with the other puff pastry and close well, then egg wash, then decorate. Then the obvious step I forgot - make some holes for air release!

Few minutes before it's done wash with syrup to give a nice sweet crisp

My galette out of the oven, bloke down because I forgot the air holes 🙁

Still looks pretty nice

With the crown, doesn't it look like the university logo?

Digging in, at home. Guess who found the figure? 😛

The surprise of the day was that we’re also making a tarte aux pommes! Yes, the same recipe we had in our first week in ferrandi, once again, to practice before the exam we have next week. Making the dough was pretty simple and easy because I already made it about 4 times now. Came out really good, but the edges of my tart we’re not pretty enough. I agree.

Station ready to assemble the tarte

With cinnamon this time'

Nice layer of apples

Let the oven do its thing and the apricot glaze to do its magic

Test Practicing

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9 Responses to Last Pastry Class, Galette des Rois

  1. EMA IRIT says:

    אז בסוף לא הכנתם טארט טאטן?

    • Mashav says:

      Nope! Good thing dad taught me. Many many things we never made. Also the savarin and the famous coq au vin.

  2. Nachman says:

    how much does it cost to ship the tarte aux pommes to Israel?

    • Mashav says:

      I’m sure it’s not worth it because it’s super easy to make this tart at home. Why not? You totally should it’s yummy.

  3. Nachman says:

    can you explain about the apricot glaze? i looked at the previous post on the same tarte and did not find anything on the glaze either… is it just apricot jelly or something else?

    • Mashav says:

      the glaze is just a premade translucent jam (not really a jam, like a jelly) that we boil and gently spread over the top of the tart to give the shine (otherwise it wouldn’t look that good) and to protect the apples from the air, preserves the tart a bit longer. It’s really tasty to just eat it as it is so it’s okay to add it taste wise.

  4. […] burnt outside. With Andree’s extra tart shell donated to me, white chocolate filling and almond cream I made this nice tart and topped with slices of fresh pineapple. Andreea’s shell was […]

  5. […] was also a Galette de rois and a Bottle of Vodka that Chantelle […]

  6. […] השארתי חטיף אחד בצד כדי להטמין הפתעה במרכז העוגה. את אבקת הטוויסט הנחתי על תבנית מרופדת בדף אפייה. בשלב זה התייחסתי לאבקה כמו עוגיות שמשמשות כבסיס לעוגת גבינה, והיא היתה שומנית מספיק כדי לא להוסיף כלום. הידקתי את האבקה בשכבה עבה בתחתית התבנית ועליה הנחתי את הפתעת הטוויסט במרכז. מישהו אחד יקבל חתיכת עוגה מאוד מפתיעה, כמו עוגת Galette de Rois. […]

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