In the weekend when I had time to cook for myself this is what I did:

Pork steaks with caramelized apples

Very quick, easy, cheap and delicious meal

But in the middle of the week when I had no time to make anything great but came back home hungry I had to be creative with this single bag of frozen mussels I bought and the rest of the rice from the weekend.

First night - pan fried quick mussels "risotto" with roquefort and pesto

Next night I made the same thing in the micro-oven because the pan was already dirty! Looks awful but it was tasty

Next night I made a tomato sauce and mortadela mussles risotto with chives. Kinda weird

Next night I ran out of rice so I pulled the second pan and made just a simple mussel-roquefort dish

When Mom came I made her a special carpaccio this time with black olives, pesto and cow milk soft melting fromage

Another night we bought fresh oysters and clams and I was bragging my oyster opening technique.

Just a lemon, some toasts and white wine is all that's needed for a meal like that

We had a race between me opening them and mom eating them

Some small clams (coques) steamed with white wine and butter

Our bag of garbage that night

Another night when mom made her delicious pear and cashew salad

Asparagus with onions

Scallops and venison for main course

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4 Responses to A Bag Of Frozen Mussels or Food At Home Continues

  1. Yaniv Lankry says:

    I saw the lovely Bialetti coffee maker you have – I recently bought advanced model of coffee makers. They put special weight on to raise the steam pressure. I tested both with same coffee. The result tastes like tow totally different coffee cups. See attached link

  2. Nachman says:

    When Barak came back from Bahad Ehad for the weekend we also made Pork Chops With Apples. But we took advantage of you being away and added lots of fresh ginger to the apples.

  3. Ema says:

    למרות שהסלטים שלי הם רק סלטים…. לא לזלזל

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