First of all, my sincere thanks to everyone who was worried about me after my last post. I really appreciate your concerns and felt deeply moved by your messages here in the blog comments and all the private messages as well.

I never had that long period without writing ever since I started my blog – almost a year ago! You can guess there was a reason for that: I was dealing with figuring out my next step.

After three weeks in Frenchie I realized there wasn’t any actual place for me there. I was upset because I had very high hopes: I loved the food and atmosphere, wanted to learn as much as possible. Sadly I didn’t feel I can learn this way without having space, I felt left out and unnecessary. I just happened to arrive there in the worst timing, before the renovation and expansion plans were put to action. Talking with both chefs Sebastien and Greg I decided to change my place of stage (internship, not a place called “stage”, for some of you who were confused). It was a very hard decision to make but I made it. After the third week I was depressed, disappointed and motivationless. Thanks Shane, you had to put up with me these days over the break. My forth week was my last week in the restaurant. It was hard but not as hard as the week before. I felt better and a bit more relaxed but also more confident with my decision. I was still working full time this week as best as I could, while Sebastien helped me looking for a new place. I have to admire the way he handled this situation. It was his vacation week but still did all he could for my benefit and was very professional. I was afraid he will be angry or something but quite the opposite – he showed he really cares about my well being. I do appreciate it.

Mom came to see me on Friday. She helped me raise the morale, helped throughout the search for a new place and also… accompanied me to some interesting and delicious meals in Paris. Too bad there’s only a limited amount of food that can be consumed by us everyday. It was really lovely and amazing spending all this time together and having a bit of rest. <3

It looks like I’ve found a new stage placement but will not elaborate until it’s official. Scary, starting everything all over again! Wish me luck because it seems like it’s a big part of how things works out. Nonetheless keep your support because I know it’s not gonna be easy this time around as well, but I’m willing to do my best.

7 Responses to My Next Step

  1. Chen says:

    Good luck! Proud of u and waiting to the next blog

  2. pi says:

    good luck!

  3. Ramon Szmuk via Facebook says:

    תהי חזקה, העם איתך!

  4. שיהיה מלא בהצלחה. מחזיקה לך מזלגות 🙂

  5. Chen Israel via Facebook says:

    בהצלחה משבי!

  6. Nachman says:

    go mashavi go…

  7. […] and confused: why am I doing this? What am I gaining out of it? Where’s it gonna lead me? I deciding to leave without a lot of expectations, fearing this is just gonna be something I must go through and […]

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