Okay it’s not a real emergency but an important message before I leave Paris.

Maybe you have noticed already that I opened a Facebook Fan Page for Eating Cooking Fooding this week! It’s very recommended to join the page by clicking “like” in the box to the right or going to the page and then clicking “like”. If you’ve seen it by now you probably also noticed I’m looking for friends who wants to join me to some “last meals” before I leave Paris in about a month!

This is the list of restaurants I had in mind with links to blog reviews and estimated prices:


La Régalade de Saint honoré;  modern market cooking;  Fixed diner menu for 38 euro; Review in French here and in English here.


Rino; modern market cooking; 28 euro Lunch / 38 euro Dinner; Reviews in English here and in French.


Le Camion Qui Fume; if you have the guts to wait in line with me; about 10 euro for the best burgers in Paris; site where you can find out where and when it will be; review in English with nice pictures and another one in French.


La Fourchette du Printemps; * Michelin; Just found out they raised their prices to 45 euro lunch or diner menu. Bummer, I’m not sure about that; review and another more recent one..


L’Avant-Comptoir Odéon; French tapas bar; price 15-20 euro for dinner ; reviews in English and in French.


Chatomat; new chic neo-bistro; prices 35-40 euro; review and another.


Au Passage; French tapas bar; Lunch menu for 19 euro (4 course) or a la carte dinner of small dishes; review in English and another.


Frederic Simonin; * Michelin; lunch menu for 38 euro; Example (?) menu; Review in French but with nice pictures.


Le Troquet; Basque bistro ;42 euro for tasting 6 dishes, or about 30 for menu ; review and menu.


Apagé Substance; molecular cuisine; a bit too expensive for me so I’m not sure; 65 euro for lunch menu (!) or 99 euro for tasting menu; review and another.


So if anyone in Paris wants to join me to one of these options, or has another restaurant in mind (which I didn’t try yet), please write back to me in the Facebook page, here in the comments, contact me personally, doesn’t matter how but as soon as possible because, as I wrote before, it’s not easy to get reservations!! Preferably write two options in the case there’s no free sits.
Think about it, this is your chance to be part of my blog posts!


By the way: I’m about to visit London for a week in July, if you have recommendations for restaurants I’ll be happy. Anyone in London by any chance next  month?
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2 Responses to Emergency Restaurants Post

  1. […] a list of restaurants in my Facebook page, so that friends will join me for a meal, got me some very positive comments! […]

  2. […] Restaurant Marathon continues with the first restaurant on my list . I went there with Fabrice who not only ate there before but also claims he knows the chef, and […]

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