It has been six months now since I’m writing a monthly “Food at home” post. January, Febuary, March, April, May. This is my June post!
Steamed rice dough filled with Chinese greens, steaming over a leaf of Chinese green so that it won’t stick.
Flipped over on the plat
Open and eaten with a soy-rice vinegar dip sauce (preferably with crushed garlic and chilly sauce mixed in)
I bought a whole package of this and it’s a lot, still trying to take care of it, next time back to the shrimp dumplings.
I bought fish balls and rice-sheets. Made a spicy-peanuts sauce
In the beginning everything went fine
unfortunately I overcooked the rice sheets and they were too gooey
Five-spice tofu with onions which was always a classic dish at the Shelef residence, now with turnip inside as well.
And fresh chinese pasta!
This is the result
Not bad, always with sriracha sauce on the table.
A break from the chinese food, some lamb chops with onions, tofu and tomatoes
With pesto sauce over white rice. I love these cherry tomatoes lightly fried on a pan.
6 minutes egg with fig bread
Breakfast consists of fried rice, cherry tomatoes, smoked melted cheese and an egg on top.
A visit to the Sunday market, going back with two roasted chickens, fresh cheese, fresh bread and tomatoes.
Making a salad for the occasion: red apple and raw zucchini with onions
Chicken sandwich with salad
Fresh cheese from raw milk is the best. I love French cheese.
Some other day I decided to try this Gervita I saw in the shop – turn out to be a white cheese, with whipped white cheese on top, delicious!
Eating caramelized banana with Gervita – the new and improved “Banana Kvetcha”
One (!) of my weaknesses is Mochi. I love this soft gently sweetened candy.
This one, filled with lychee marmalade
This one is the mung beans and cream. Not that great because of the cream.
Salad with all the fridge leftovers.
Including: surimi, plums and blue cheese-yogurt dressing
Mega-French-toast with pesto, brie and toamtoes
For French people the term “French toast” is just a regular toast. You have to tell them “Pain perdu” (“lost bread”) so that they’ll know what you’re talking about
Indeed the lost bread is the best (actually second best after fresh bread)
Filling up my Mochi stock with peanut mochi, taro mochi and sesame mochi. Taro is on the top now, together with green tea and black sesame.
Trying to do crêpes with oat and wheat bran.
Technically it worked with just a little bit of normal flour added. But obviously not as tasty as normal crêpe.
Trying to make it better with camambert, tomatoes and onion
And the other with pears, plums and raw milk cheese
Was eatable but tasted way too healthy.
Another healthy breakfast consists of black coffee, red grapefruit juice and wheat and oat bran in 0% yogurt with plums. My pickled plums are finally finished. I’m already missing them by now.
Sweet and spicy coconut pork with zucchini and onions.
I made this one very fast but it turned out great. I love this combination.
I’m guessing July’s about to be less cooking at home and more eating out.
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