Two very nice lunches I enjoyed in the past month. One was in china town and the other at “Chez Papa”, classic French.

Interesting to compare as they are both around 11 euro for first and main course.

In china town after my usual shopping, instead of having the pho soup like always, these are some other options. Around 8 euro for a main dish and 4 for the entree.

I was mostly impressed by this white turnip cake. Made with rice flour and dried shrimp then steamed and fried. Excellent first course.

Beef, red rice and a fired egg, David’s favorite.

Spicy Thai beef skewers with peanut sauce

Not bad but a bit messy to eat

At Chez Papa I took a lunch menu of Entree + Plat + cafe for 11 euro:

Salad with warm chevre cheese. Nothing amazing, the cheese came on top of toasts. Fortunately the fresh bread served with the meal was excellent and replaced these toasts.

I know this place is better known for its duck dishes but in the menu there was only duck legs which I’m not big for it so I took the “plat de jour”

Bavette sauce aux échalottes, purée pomme de terre. Flank steak with shallots sauce and purée. Was pretty good! Classic dish.

Overall they are both good value meals in my opinion.

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